Apple Cider Espresso

Each week I am picking a letter of the alphabet, asking Chat Gpt to come up with an espresso based drink starting with that letter as well as generate a recipe. This week we looked at “A”. Chat Gpt came up with Apple Cider Espresso.

Full Video Here: Apple Cider Espresso


  • 2 shots espresso

  • 0.5 cup apple cider

  • 0.25 cup millk

  • 1 table spoon maple syrup

  • cinnamon and nutmeg for garnish


I can’t really recommend this one at all. Number one, anything that curdles is a bit of a non start. Sure you could try to make this a fat washed drink of sorts, but that is just more trouble then it is worth. Further to that point, the sweetness of the apple cider and the bitter of the espresso just really didn’t seem to mix well to me. Considering this one to be a monuments failure.