
DAIRY VS Alternative

Milk in the grander scheme of things is pretty straightforward. As far as espresso is concerned you are really not going to need it until you start making milk based drinks. Those being your cortados, lattes, cappuccinos and so on. Once you get to this point you are going to need to venture into the world of steaming milk, and that is a skill all its own we are going to cover in another section. However for the time being we will cover a few things at a super high level.


There are a few types of milks that typically show up in your standard coffee shop. Those being Dairy, Oat, Almond and Soy. If you are looking for milk for steamed milk drinks, dairy is going to be the reigning champion. The fat is going to allow for the best texture both in terms of drinks and latte art. Oat is probably going to be the next best simply because you can find “barista blends” that will have some added fats. After some practice you can get this milk textured well enough to pour some beautiful latte art. Almond and various nut milks are typically always more finicky, and can be used, but can also split in the presence of particularly acidic coffee. Soy milk in general should be avoided due to its tendency to curdle in the presence of strong coffee. 


Generally speaking when steaming milk your “no go” zone in terms of temp is going to be anywhere above 150 °F. Your target should be between 120 °F - 140 °F. This will vary from one milk type to another, but this will be the general rule of thumb.